User: Write a simple console-based game of rock-paper-scissors in Python. The user plays against the computer. The computer's choice is a simple random selection. Therefore, the outcome of this game is an equal chance of the user winning, the user losing, or a tie. Assume the player knows how the game works. Assistant: ```python import random # Define the rock, paper, and scissors symbols rock = "\u2611" paper = "\u2613" scissors = "\u2617" # Define the play function def play(): # Choose a random symbol choice = random.choice([rock, paper, scissors]) # Print the choice to the console print(f"You choose: {choice}") # Compare the choices and determine the winner if choice == rock and opponent == paper: return "Computer wins!" elif choice == paper and opponent == rock: return "You win!" elif choice == scissors and opponent == rock: return "You win!" elif choice == rock and opponent == scissors: return "Computer wins!" elif choice == paper and opponent == scissors: return "You win!" elif choice == scissors and opponent == paper: return "Computer wins!" else: return "Tie" # Define the main game loop def main(): # Set the computer's random choice computer_choice = random.choice([rock, paper, scissors]) # Play the game and print the outcome result = play() print(f"The result is: {result}") # Call the play function and start the game play() main() ```